Terms & Conditions

Listed below are the terms and conditions relating to the rental of Twin Lakes, Apartment 8, Chesa Forma, Neubachstrasse, Arosa 7050, Switzerland, operated by LEW Management Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 10152844, referred to hereafter as “Twin Lakes”, “we” and “us”.

These terms and conditions together with the booking form, which will be completed by the group leader (hereafter known as the “Client”), will act as a contract between Twin Lakes and all persons listed on the booking form (“the Group”).

Booking and Cancellation

  1. To reserve a property the Client either uses the on-line enquiry/booking facility for immediate confirmation of availability or contacts us by email or phone. To confirm a reservation the Client should then complete the booking form and send it with payment of the initial non-refundable deposit (CHF500 or GBP400). Payments can be made by Bank Transfer or PayPal.
  2. Following successful processing of the deposit payment, we will send the Client a confirmation invoice and receipt by email. This is the formal acceptance of the booking.
  3. The balance of the rental amount is payable 6 weeks before the start of the rental period. We will inform you, on your confirmation invoice, of the date when final payment is due. If the balance payment is not successfully processed with 7 days after the due date, we reserve the right to give notice in writing that the reservation is cancelled and the original deposit will not be refunded. Reservations made within 6 weeks of the start of the rental period require full payment at the time of the booking.
  4. A security deposit of CHF750 or £625 for every rental period is required in case of, for example, additional cleaning and/or damage to the property or its contents. However, the sum reserved by this clause shall not limit the Group’s liability to us. The security deposit needs to be sent with the final payment and will be refunded 48 hours after departure, once the Twin Lakes property and contents has been checked.
  5. Subject to clause 2 above, in the event of a cancellation, refunds of amounts paid will be made only if we are able to re-let the Property, and any expenses or losses incurred in so doing will be deducted before any refund is made. The Group is strongly recommended to arrange a comprehensive travel insurance policy (including cancellation cover) and to have full insurance cover for the Group’s personal belongings, public liability, accidental damage etc.
  6. Payments for rentals must be made in one lump sum by the Client and not in multiple payments by members of the Group.
  7. The rental period shall commence at 4pm on the first day and finish at 10am on the last day. We shall not be obliged to offer the accommodation before or after the time stated and the Client shall not be entitled to enter or remain in the accommodation before or after the time stated.
  8. The maximum number of people (including children and babies) to reside in Twin Lakes must not exceed the number stated on the booking unless we give written permission.

Responsibilities and Behaviour

  1. The Client agrees to be a considerate tenant and to take good care of Twin Lakes and to leave it in clean and tidy condition (‘as found’) at the end of the rental period. Although a final clean fee of CHF500 is required to be paid for all rentals, we reserve the right to make retention from the security deposit to cover additional cleaning costs and damage incurred if the Client leaves Twin Lakes in an unacceptable condition.
  2. An acceptable state to leave the property requires the Client to complete the following, as a minimum: Removal of all rubbish and recycling; dishwasher emptied or turned on.
  3. The Client agrees not to act in a way which would cause disturbance to those residents in neighbouring properties, and to respect any local residential by laws regarding noise at night time – noise after 11pm is not tolerated.
  4. The Client shall report to us without delay any defects in Twin Lakes or breakdown in the equipment, machinery, or appliances in the property, and arrangements for repair and/or replacement will be made as soon as possible.

Damages and Additional Cleaning

  1. In the event of any damage occurring at Twin Lakes, we reserve the right to deduct the appropriate costs from the Client’s security deposit in order to complete full repairs or replacements.
  2. As stated in clause 9, if Twin Lakes requires additional cleaning at the end of the Client’s stay, costs will be deducted from the security deposit.
  3. If any damage or additional cleaning costs exceed the security deposit paid, then the Client will be held responsible for meeting the final costs of repair or replacement.

Liability and Force Majeure

  1. We shall not be liable to the Client:
    • for any temporary defect or stoppage in the supply of public services to Twin Lakes, nor in respect of any equipment, machinery or appliance in Twin Lakes.
    • for any loss, refund, damage or injury which is the result of adverse weather conditions, war, strikes, fire, natural or nuclear disaster, closure of ports and airports or any other events beyond our the control which result in us failing to deliver our obligations or which prevent the Client or the Group from using Twin Lakes .
    • for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused to or suffered by the Client if Twin Lakes shall be destroyed or substantially damaged before the start of the rental period and in such an event, we shall, within seven days of notification to the Client, refund to the Client all sums previously paid in respect of the rental period.
  2. Under no circumstances shall our liability to the Client exceed the amount paid by the Client for the rental period.
  3. The Client is responsible for maintaining security at Twin Lakes and must not leave windows and doors open whilst away from the property. We will not be held responsible for any loss of possessions, whether due to negligent security by the Client or otherwise.
  4. No smoking is allowed in the property. Smoking-related fires may invalidate the insurance for the property.

Wood Burning Stoves

  1. Care must be taken at all times when using the wood burning stove. Twin Lakes is predominantly constructed of wood and even small sparks can cause severe damage.
  2. Fires must never be overloaded with wood, left unattended or allowed to burn out of control.
  3. We do not accept any responsibility to any damage to the Client or the Client’s clothing or property due to misuse of the fire. If any of Twin Lakes’ furniture or flooring is damaged by sparks or embers, then the Client will be responsible for the repair costs.

Spa and Games Room

  1. Users of the sauna or steam room (“spa”) do so entirely at their own risk.
  2. Children under the age of 16 years are not permitted to use the spa without adult supervision.
  3. Children under the age of 12 years are not permitted to use the games room without adult supervision.
  4. The Client may NOT invite persons not staying in the building to use the facilities.
  5. All footwear must be removed before entering the spa room.
  6. The instructions for using the sauna/steam are displayed in the pool area; please remember to turn these off after use, leave the door open and check all lights are switched off before leaving the pool area.
  7. Showering before and after using the spa is obligatory.

Privacy Policy

  1. We will manage your data in accordance with the Privacy Policy which is on the Twin Lakes website, and the terms of which are incorporated into this contract.

Governing Law

  1. This contract shall be governed by English law in every particular including formation and interpretation and shall be deemed to have been made in England. Any proceedings arising in connection with this contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English court.